Native American Silver Rings

About Native American Silver Rings

Of all the glittering pieces that reside in the typical jewelry box, rings may be the most flexible. For example, Native American silver rings are used for both style, and self-expression. Native American silver rings can be used to convey status, clan or team affiliation. Native American silver rings have deep spiritual meanings, and can even be used as currency.

There is a good selection of Native American silver rings available. The most common rings found in the Southwest, are the Native American silver rings. Native American silver rings are now commonly seen in the region, and are worn for both traditional beliefs as well as beautiful fashion statements. Native American rings can be found to fit any taste, and conform to the size of the pocketbook

History of Native American Silver Rings

Several Native American cultures, including the Navajos, the Hopi, and the Zuni, have created beautiful silver rings for hundreds of years. In American Indian cultures, Native American silver rings bore an array of meanings. Each culture has its own style of Native American silver rings and the singular craftsmanship of each tribe has been taught to each succeeding generation.

Popularity of Native American Silver Rings

Native American rings are still very popular today. The mixing of the different tribes has brought to life new creations and blends of traditions, which are seen in the many different styles of American Indian cultures. Native American silver rings bore an array of meanings.The Navajos, Hopi, and Zuni Indian cultures have created beautiful silver rings for centuries. There is some indication that Native American silver rings were used as wedding rings in the early part of the 18th century.

Uses of Native American Silver Rings

In American Indian cultures, Native American silver rings bore an array of meanings. The Navajos, Hopi, and Zuni Indian cultures have created beautiful silver rings for centuries. There is some indication that Native American silver rings were used as wedding rings in the early part of the 18th century.

Native American rings are worn for both traditional beliefs as well as beautiful fashion statements. The detail of silver rings can run from “simple, but elegant,” to ultra-sophisticated designs.

Hopi rings are treasured for their remarkable overlay. Overlay is an art that requires the silversmith to use two coats of silver, one as the base and one with designs that depict everything from the daily life of the Native people to their mythology. Typical patterns include animals, such as the Bear, Turtle, and Eagle, forces of nature, such as water, fire, and wind.

The Navajos receive kudos for promoting the artistry of Native American rings by modifying and integrating the methods of design they learned from observing from Europeans. After observing the early Spanish explorers, the Navajo silversmiths began soldering and working with silver. This major breakthrough allowed the complexity of Native American silver rings to flourish.

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