Native American Silver Jewelry

About Native American Silver Jewelry

Native American silver jewelry has developed a huge popularity throughout the years. The simple, yet sophisticated look of Native American silver jewelry calls to many different classes, races, and styles of people. Because of the popularity, it is in extremely high demand and in some areas, is difficult to find.

The History of Native American Silver Jewelry

For over seven thousand years turquoise and beads have been used in Native American jewelry. Nobody knows exactly why, but this glamorous gem managed to win the hearts of many Native American tribes and has held its place in their jewelry, even today.

The glorious mix of turquoise and silver did not make its way into the mix until the 1800s, in the Navajo tribe. Until then, the mix of gems and metals did not have a place in the Native American ways. Native American silver jewelry became popular with tribes and with outsiders who were storming reservations to purchase it.

Native American Silver Jewelry: The Bracelet

Because of the lack of tools to create small items, bracelets were the easiest and most abundant item made. Native American Silver Jewelry at the time was known as bracelets and necklaces, not so much for rings. They came later. As time went on and more experience was brought, Native American silver jewelry making brought in smaller, more intricate items, such as smaller designs, anklets and rings.

Native American Silver Jewelry: When Turquoise Mixed With Silver

Silver turquoise jewelry, did not come about until immigrants began to cast small, thin, silver rings for their own personal use. When the Native Americans saw how great the turquoise looked up against the shine of the silver, they began making their own.

When the immigrants saw the mix of the beautiful rocks and gems in the Native American silver jewelry, they couldn’t resist. This brought in money and food for the tribe and allowed them to live easier and more comfortably.

Over time, manufacturers adapted the look of the Native American silver jewelry to create in bulk. This caused the tribes to lose some money, but true Native American silver jewelry lovers still purchased authentic pieces from tribes, and individual merchants on reservations.

Native American Silver Jewelry: The More Popular Pieces

When it comes to Native American silver jewelry, the more popular pieces are bracelets, rings, and necklaces that contain amulets. These remain the more popular items but the appearance has been brought into watches, anklets toe rings, and more.

Finding Native American Silver Jewelry

Some people prefer to purchase their Native American silver jewelry directly from a reservation, other people do not have that luxury, which is why they turn to the internet. Native American silver jewelry can be found in abundance online and through special retail stores.

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