Native American Silver Earrings

About Native American Silver Earrings

Native American silver earrings and jewelry has become iconic pieces, not only in a historical perspective but also in the modern realm of fashion. Native American silver earrings and jewelry has transformed from traditional decorative tribal statements to something fun and trendy with a bohemian flair. Although currently popular with the modern fashionistas, many are unfamiliar with the history of how some of their favorite summer pieces have come about.

History of Native American Silver Earrings

Indian tribes have worked with various precious metals long before the coming of any outside influences. However, when we think of Native American silver earrings and jewelry today, is the product of the influence brought from the Spanish. The Spanish brought what we know as silversmiths and that changed the silver making game for the Native Americans.

The tribe in North American that started the Native American silver making trend were the Navajos. Originally copying styles and jewelry from the Spanish, this eventually lead to the Navajos developing their own unique styles and techniques for Native American silver earrings and jewelry. Many of the men and women of the Navajos began making their very own Native American silver earrings and jewelry.

The process began with very basic pieces. At first the Navajos would simply flatten coins. The Mexican coins would be flattened out then either stamped or engraved. Sometimes they were also flattened out to form various decorative shapes and worn in different ways. These pieces of art which eventually became Native American silver earrings and jewelry was used both for personal adornment as well as for trade.

The art of Native American silver earrings and jewelry making did not stay only with the Navajo tribe. It was a skill that many different tribes were excited to have for themselves. It made it’s way to various Pueblo tribes. Some even incorporated other precious metals and stones like the popular turquoise. Each tribe began to make their own trademark style for Native American silver earrings and jewelry. Today, the tribes that are best known for their Native American silver jewelry are the Hopis and the Zunis.

Native American Silver Earrings Today

Once upon a time, it was possible to look at certain Native American silver earrings and jewelry and know what tribe it was made from or what tribe it was at least made to represent. However, this is no longer the case for Native American silver earrings and jewelry made in a modern setting, let alone for day to day fashion. The artist of modern day Native American silver earrings and jewelry may incorporate many influences from historical references to what they envision into their own minds all into a single Native American silver earrings and jewelry piece. It has become a fashion product of their own imagination and not a product of what a tribe is. Native American silver earrings and jewelry today crushes the boundaries of a single style.

It is this boundary breaking and mass production of Native American silver earrings and jewelry that has helped makes it such a popular fashion statement. As most trends go, many of the pieces have come from imitations of history. Images of Native Americans on television and in the movies wearing their Native American silver earrings and jewelry, have lead to fashion houses wanting to create a new look and to mimic the Native American silver earrings and jewelry being worn on the big screen to be worn by their models and eventually by the masses. It has been a long time coming for the jewelry and earrings to become main stream; however it is an attractive addition to today’s idea of beauty.

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